So, I'm a bit behind on my Dragon Ball Z. I enjoyed most of the series. But I don't like it enough to buy every single fighting game that came out with its name on it.
I was wondering, which Dragon Ball Z games are the best? Maybe top 3 would be best, and the pros and cons of each?
I noticed there are DBZ: Budokai and then DBZ: Budokai tenkaichi and etc. Whats the differences?
Do they all have a good amount of characters? Combos? Transformations? Super Saiyajin? Flight? etc?
This would really help me out. Thanks guys.
The defference between the main Budokai series and the Tenkaichi series is actualy quite large.
The Budokai series is more of a traditional fighter. And their a bit more flashy.
The Tenkaichi games are pretty unorthodox. You play from a behind the shoulder view. It's feels like a bix between a fighting game and an action adventure game. The best way I can describe it is that it's a cross over of controls of the Budokai series and the Zone of the Enders games. The Tenkaichi games also concentrate to heavily on the character count. The fighting system is pretty much broken.
So, out of all the DBZ games on the PS2, the only one actualy worht playing is Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3. Try getting the greatest hits copy. It has some extra content.
You might want the first Budokai. It's not half as fun as the third one, but it's the only Dragon Ball game with good cut scenes. They are really good cut scenes.
And don't bother with the Tenkaichi series. Their broken fighters. Unless you have a Wii.... The Wii version of Tenkiachi 2 is actually pretty funny. But other wise just forget it.
And theres also Super Dragon Ball Z. If you like Street Fighter then you might like Super Dragon Ball Z. It's Bassically Street Fighter 2 with Dragon Ball Z characters in there instead.
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