I recieved Final Fantasy XII for X-mas and just started to play it today (I just got back from college and didn't have the time to play it durning the semester). I'm a few hours into it and I encountered a problem. I just beat up the 3 pig-like creatures in the dungeon and went through the cutscene with the Judge and bounty hunter. When the cutscene was done and the new area loaded (where you reclaim your gear) Balthier and Fran started to attack and soon killed Vaan. I couldn't stop this and ran into the next room where another cutscene happend and ended the killing spree. In the next room, with all the gaurds, I successfully deafeated them all, but lost Vaan in the process. After all the gaurds were killed Balthier shot and killed Fran before turning his gun on himself and delivering a fatal blow, therefore GAME OVER. Luckily I have another save file about 30 min back, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this or has even heard about it.
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