in my case it was the first dino crisis, i replayed it five times, i just needed to see all the endings and get all the costumes. i also played ffviii, ffix,soul reaver, and re3three times each.
Well.. my most played games would have to be Kingdom Hearts one and two... I did play Shadow the hedgehog a hell of a lot to see all endings and stuff... Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and 10 are at the top to.. ( Just really love the stories >...> )
Can't really remember what else...
PSOne: Ace Combat 2, Ace Combat 3, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, Dino Crisis 2 and Metal Gear Solid
PS2: Ace Combat 4, Ace Combat 5, Ace Combat Zero, Resident Evil 4, Need for Speed Underground, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3.
Way of the Samurai because it has 6 endings. Other than that it's MGS1 and MGS3. Those 3 are the only games I finished more than once. I usually replay games but I always get bored in the middle of the 2nd run.
I'm currently playing Hitman Trilogy. Already finished Silent Assassin and Contracts but I'll play it again after I beat Blood Money.
PS1: Syphon Filter 1 & 2: Medievil 1 & 2. Not sure how many times, but many.
PS2: Coldwinter (x5 at least); Bloodrayne 1 & 2 (ditto); Soldier of Fortune Gold;Area 51; Project Snowblind; Warhammer 40,000 Fire Warrior (yep, I love the shooters).
I love the Legacy of Kain series, too -- even the bad ones are good.
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