The Bad: Lots of jaggy edges on PS2 version; doesn't take many chances with the tomb raider formula.
I don't often like to be critical of reviews as it is usually based on opinion, but the listed "Bad" reasons for TR:A are a joke. Jagged edges are a product of last generations technology. Having a statement such as "lot of jaggy edges" makes it sound like it is being compared to the current generations titles, which it should not be. It should be reviewed based on the available technology.
The second portion of this is even more ridiculous. What kind of chances were they going to take in a REMAKE? Lets seek, completely redone graphics and controls, the addition of many new scenes, and a generally better constructed overall experience. Wow, sounds like they played around quite a bit with the game itself. Would anyone want to play a REMAKE of the original game if it messed around to much with the "Tomb Raider formula"?
Bah. They may be justified in giving it an 8.0, I really don't care what they rate it, I thought I would just point out the idiocy in their statements.
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