I was curious if anyone knows what gamespots top ten playstation 2 games are? Like what is the top ten ranked. Not you personal opinions, but gamespots. Like is there a link, because only found like God of War and FFI2.
2) Click Top Games (or All Games) in the field ofthe Gamespot "G" Logo. (The button is under "forums" which is under "search"
3) After you get a list of gams, click, "All Time". This is a list of all the PS2 games of ALL time. This will give you the top ten. DOnt be afraid to go for old Ps2 games- Old can be Gold.
To get a second opinon, go to IGN, but I would stick to Gamespot, they know how to review games, and won't throw away points like IGN does.
No thats not what i mean. If you like at any ps2 game, on the right hand side it shows where the game is ranked out of all the playstation 2 games. Like God of War is ranked 10 out 2,XXX ps2 games. I was wondering what the top ten ranked ps2 games are. Not reviews. I know GTA SA is ranked #1.
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