1up: I know you guys have talked a lot about trying to make this a God of War game first instead of trying to make it a PSP game first, and we've also seen some PSP games like Syphon Filter and Twisted Metal moving back to PS2. Do you think this game could work as a PS2 port later on?
Ru Weerasuriya (Director): Yeah, we think regardless of the platform, this game's going to work. Yes, absolutely; I have no doubt that this game as a full blown PS2 game would be as good as the other ones.
1up: Would that be something you're interested in making?
RW: Well, it's always something that would be fun to see. It would be all dependent on what Sony wants to do with it, but I think that for the fans out there who [aren't able to play it on PSP] it'd be a great thing to put on PS2.
This game would be a nice appetizer before God of War III :)
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