ive seen worse and gta graphics are not that bad...when they are released on next gen consoles such as the ps2 which hopefully they make gta games forthe graphics will improve:)
ive seen worse and gta graphics are not that bad...when they are released on next gen consoles such as the ps2 which hopefully they make gta games forthe graphics will improve:)
Well, just think of it, on the PS2, if they upped the graphics, the cities wouldn't have been as expansive. I guess its kind of a give-or-take situation. On the next-gen systems though, they can probably do whatever they want to.
San Andreas was a huge, huge map and the graphics were very nice. As far as the whole series goes i have definitely seen alot worse, but to answer the question of this thread; No, the graphics IMO are not that bad.
I generally play my GTA games on the PC, so those look fine.
But Liberty and Vice City Stories made me want to cry. They didn't even try to improve things. They just straight ported from the PSP and removed multiplayer. The jaggies in those two games are unimaginable.
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