Aight let me break it down for you, I don't know how old you are, but depending on your age you may like kiddie RPGs like Kindom Hearts and Dragon Quest, of if you're a hardcore gamer who loves a challange or plays games for a kickass cinematic experience, i'd recommend the following:
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - Game is hard at first, but once you get the hang of it it's a **** of fun. I finished it 3 times already (I have maybe an hour a week to play video games, I'm very picky about what I play), this game has cool art, fun story, memorable characters, and loads of replayability.
God of War 1/2 : Basically same gameplay mechanics, you might as well get both, they are really well done and one builds on the other. It's definately an experience like no other on the PS2, so you must play these games or you are serious missing out. There isn't too much replayability unless you like the game THAT much, the only thing that you'd want to do is try the highest difficulty setting after you're done the main game.
Resident Evil 4: This game is not for everyone. At first playing this I thought "wtf is this **** but then i settled into it and it was indeed loads of fun, really distinct game, get it. Loads of replayabilty, and taht's what you want in a game that you're planning to own (as in keep).
When I was looking up fighters it came down to Virtua Fighter 4: Evo, Tekken 5, or Soul Calibur 3. Soul Calibur got quickly excluded from the mix because it's not very deep and generally a **** game that your friends could hand you your ass just by button mashing. VF4:Evo is a very deep fighting game, and it is often difficult for beginners to settle in. Tekken 5 is just right, you can start out just by button mashing (and eventualyl know what the hell ur actually doing), there's a ton of modes, the graphics are amazing for PS2, and the AI is pretty good. That would be my recommendation.
I've looked at all the racing games, and Burnout: Revenge seems to be the best one as an all around exprience. The new dominator isn't that good, and the 3rd installment (takedown) the graphics turn me off. The burnout series are known for insanely high speed racing and crazy crashes.
Co-Op Games:
Gaming is about 10x more fun when you're doing it with a friend. I dislike online gaming on consoles...doesn't feel right, Call of Duty for PC, that's another story. Anyways, here's a few good 2 player co-op games:
Ratchet: Deadlocked - Great game, a little kiddie but there's difficulty settings that will drive you nuts, you can play single, or two player split screen, really fun. Lots of guns, upgrades, fun little gadgets, a well done story, and best of all ALOT of replayability. Also you'll exprience one of Sony's top properties (others are Sly and Jak/Daxter).
The Red Star - this is a gem that was just recently released. Homage to the old arcades, you get a shoot-em-up combined with a beat-em-up, everything about this game is done extremely well, but it is very difficult, regardless, every time me and my friend get kicked in the pants we have no problem restarting the level and doing it all over again, it's that addictive. Seriously, this game appeals to everyone I know, don't miss out on it.
There are alot of amazing RPGs for the PS2, which i don't play because I think it's an immense waste of time, the gameplay is extremely addicting so you may like that. Best of luck on your new ps2, the above titles I researched the crap out of before I purchased them, so I'm not just saying the first things that come to my mind.
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