1-2. 2 actually since launch. But I have all 3 last gen consoles plus a gaming PC so the playtime on each systems controller was spread out more than having only one main console!
Four. 1. Died a natural death (overusage).2. L2, L1, R2, R1 buttons died, so the whoel thing was practically useless.3. Was thrown after dying a horrible death without saving for the past four hours or so because I couldn't find a save point.4. Just gave up. Controller #5 is still working, but the analog stick has grooves in it where it's worn down. Longest lasting controller so far. =)
well the original one, a madcatz and a wireless one which still works but sometimes the x button gets stuck. Oh and I always took great care of them except for the wireless one which has fallen a couple of times
Zero, but that might change soon as godhand is probably the most controller-abusive game ive played so far haha
Thats right zero broken controllers and i often still play with my PS1 version aswell. i guess some people just arent fit to own a console... or have acces to the internet for that matter.
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