So, I finally got my self a PS2... yeah, I know, but my GameCube served me well up until last december, once Twilight Princess was over, so was the cube. But it did deliver a very strong variety of quality games so theres not an ounce of regret there.
I finally muster the stamina to buy a PS2, I didnt buy it before out of complete laisiness (?) and because I allways forgot to. Now Im just waiting for it to arrive. I got it with a wireless controller, Shadow of the Colossus and a memory card.
I already played Vice City, San Adreas and Final Fantasy X with one I borrowed frome a friend, now I want to play some this:
- Guitar Hero 1 & 2 (didnt know rythm games were so fun until I got Elite Beat Agents)
- God of War 1 & 2
- Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
- Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 (lots of sequels there ?!?!)
- Tekken 5
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Final Fantasy XII
- Bully
- Okami
- God Hand
- GT5
- Rogue Galaxy
- Soul Calibur 3
Im big on RPGs so I'll be getting the older ones first so graphix dont bother as much. Luckly this bunch will last me untill december or january when I plan to buy a Wii. I'll wait longer to choose between PS3 and the 360.
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