Seems like you have a clasic case of PKA... Post Kratos Anxiety.
Caracterized by, restlessnes while attempting to play other titiles, Impending sense of boredom. Patients will usualy openly and sometimes without prior stimulus will constantly state GOW is the best game ever, In extreme cases have been known to deteriorate into a KRATONIAN PSYCHOSIS which triggers acute violence and intese rage at the very sight of POTTERY and wooden crates.
Diagnosis is further confirmed by the presence of one or more of the following signs and symptoms Swolen thumbs. Paraphenilia like. Broken controllers as if smashed into the wall. Acute violent outburst. Shouting at the TV. and vociferating phrases like DAMN HARPIE thats the 20th time it kills me!!!!
There is no known cure and treatment is largely palliative and support based,
some schools have offered alternative therapy based on substitution but short term results are not entirely satisfactory while others prefer continued exposure and progressive dificulty until tollerance builds, Side efects proved to be disaterous after a series of patients in one study were found in a catatonic persisten state.
One hypothesis states that experimental treatment using a portable system might partialy aliviate symptoms although there is a risk of developing PSP PKA...
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