Ico is a tough game to try and recommend. The game is really good but it is an acquired taste like chocolate and cheese sandwiches. Some people like them and rave on about them and others don't get them, but if you never try then you won't know which side of the fence your on. Give it a try first to see if you like it before deciding.(Ico that is)
BTW I like chocolate(kit kat)Â and cheese sandwiches. It just seems like a good combo. Thanks Collin "Funky" Miller for the idea!!!
Yeah, if you are not sure, I am not sure this is a game I would pick up especially since its hard to find and somewhat expensive. Go try Shadow of the Colossus, if you like that, go with ICO.Ico is a tough game to try and recommend. The game is really good but it is an acquired taste like chocolate and cheese sandwiches. Some people like them and rave on about them and others don't get them, but if you never try then you won't know which side of the fence your on. Give it a try first to see if you like it before deciding.(Ico that is)
BTW I like chocolate(kit kat) and cheese sandwiches. It just seems like a good combo. Thanks Collin "Funky" Miller for the idea!!!
I played Shadow of the colosus and wanted to try out a similar game.....after reading a few coments and reviews mentioning ICO , I decided to get it. Its not exactly like shadow of the colosus. Nevertheless the game is pretty good if you like puzzles and stuff.....I dont know how but it manages not to get dull...i mean its just you a girl and a bunch of shadow creatures...at least as far as i have played but i havent gotten bored...and some of the puzzles will have you wondering for a while what the heck your supposed to do....if you like puzzles get this..
Chococheese sandwiches?????? hummmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ever tried Strawberry n pickles................
I always remember seeing and hearing good things about Ico, but it never really occurred to me to buy it, like many others.
Then SotC came along, same thing happened, I liked the look of it but never really thought about buying it until recently, I asked a few questions about it and found about it being a prequel to Ico.
I'm a gamer that will try anything, I don't mind the unusual stuff that casuals wont touch with a pole, so I thought if I cold get into Ico I will probably experience the magic that so many people talk about.
So I bought them both and actually started Ico first, and wow what a game it turned out to be, for me its one of those games you have a special place for, and would play over and over.
Like the previous posters said it's a hard game to recommend, If you have the patients to try something different and you can appreciate the uniqueness of Ico, you would not regret buying it.
Got mine for 800 PhP. It is 16 US$ when converted. :PÂ
This is the real deal. My precious.
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