deffinetly ken from barbies shopping adventure. JK!
seriously i would like to be Chaos or Junior from xenosaga. ( namely 3 since they look the best in that installment)
it would also be cool to be sora or roxas- kingdom hearts1/2. probably more roxas than sora cuz sory is kind of immature ( and isn't it weird how when sora was reunited with Kairi and Riku, he seemed far more iterested in riku. I mean really, the girl has been waiting a flippin year for you to come back, you can give her a little time! AND if i had to spend 5 mins alone with goofy and Donald, they would end up dead, in a sac, buried in the ground, inside the darkness of kingdom hearts, were no one would find the,....yeeeeessssss *ahem
only other character that come to mind are:
Jack Russel- Radata stories ( gotta love being able to run around radiata and meet all those ppl.
maybe the Hero- dragon quest 8 ( anything to be close to Jessica and her bouncy breasts.....jk....not really though)
Ico- ....Ico ( it would be cool, and fraky and exciting and stuff to be running through that weird tomb/ castle with yorda. I would only like to be Ico for a bit though. I dont want to be stuck in that place rith those freaky shadow beasts)
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