Yeah! and now you can see what happened to Vergil after the ending in DmC3, the fist its not too long and a good game that every PS2 owner should have next to those Metal Gears and Gods of War.
I would say no. Three prety much improved on it every single way possibel. The story in that game wasn't that great either but.... what dose it cost now 10 bucks? You might as well pick it up. Considering if you can find it. That game proably ranks up with ICO as one of the hardest PS2 games to get your hands on. I sure havent seen it anywhere recently.
I found it very hard to return to DMC1, personally. It felt clunky, unpolished, and lacking in ethusiasm in comparison to the newer titles. Even DMC2, with its horrible short comings, was a lot easier to go back and play. But know what? It was worth it. Once you move past its dated appearence, controls, etc. DMC1 assaults you with its raw... Why, I'm not sure what to put here. Its raw [adjective descriving awesomenessity, preferably in its rawest form for extra rawitude].
I would say no, the controls would feel too unresponsive and a serious lack of weapons compared to DMC3 besides theres virtually no story. And then there is that infamous liiight scene. big mojo killer
I picked up a copy of it yesterday at GameStop for $10.00. I'm not sure what to think of it yet because I'm new to the series. I played the first mission. Being broken up into missions is a little wierd to me. Thought I'd try the game because Devil May Cry 4 is coming out.
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