You don't have to be a great video game player to pass Resident Evil 4, it's a fairly easy game with lots of exploitables. You should never, ever run out of ammunition for this game. You failed to see that the most powerful weapon in the game is none other than the knife. It's not hard using the knife. Shoot the ganado in the head, run up for a kick and slash away while its down. Ganados who carry pitchforks or throw axes? Let them strike at first (and dodge them of course) then you will get a window of oppurtunity to get real close to them and aim for their head with the knife. Strike them in the head and they will react the same way as you shooting them in the head. Kick, ganado falls, and slash slash slash. Ganados with the first kind of plaga; the one that has those big scythes, should be kept far away from you, a shot in the plaga using your sniper never fails. The head eating plagas are easy, shoot them in the head and kick them down, then slash slash slash. The third plaga, be careful of its spewing acid attacks and strong melee attacks, a quick pistol shoot and kick and slash till death. For multiple plagas, keep one or two flash grenades handy and use them. Shotguns are best only for crowd control and if you are seen by one of those bug enemies. If one of those bugs are flying, shoot them down and they will die instantly. The first time you see those bugs (right after Ashley gets caught in the castle), use your sniper riffle and aim for their head, a successful shot will kill them once. You can do that for the first three bugs in that room. If a room has ladders, try to be the only one on that higher ground and make them all come up, as they go up like cattle, use your knife to take them down, works like a charm, they will never get up as long as you keep slashing ganados. Be careful for thrown axes. Dynamite weilding ganados, they are as dumb as bricks and will throw dynamites at you even if there are ganados closer to you. Use that to take down ganados. Then when the dynamite weilder is left, you can shoot his arm with the dynamite and BANG! The first Krauser battle is easy, the knife is key to easy victory, only use the sniper riffle when he's real far from you. The final Krauser is a little tougher as you'll need to stun him first then slash him several times. Don't bother attacking U3 when you're in the cages, just concentrate on getting out of there. Then use the SMG to kill him fast.
Hope those few tips help.
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