Alright, I've been wondering if it is possible to make the PS2 play PS1 games when you have the Component cable hookup on the back of the PS2 or do I HAVE to go back to the normal cable? Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks!
it does not matter, the cable is for video out. any video the ps2 creates should go out the cables. it should not make a difference if it is a ps1 game, ps2 game, or dvd.
Okay... thanks for the help. And it's a normal PS2, but for some reason, I always got a blank screen or for some reason I could hear it but not see it. I'll try running it again to see if something got disconnected. I'll see what happens and then post again. Thanks for the help!
oh and make sure your TV is selected to component video. My TV would not work on component cables until i went into options and turned it on. The screen was black and white with no audio before. BTW this is on a standard TVthat has component hookups in the back (which barely improves video quality since its not HD)
hahaha wow, the cables in the back of your system have NOTHING to do with the system, all the cables are , are a bunch of metal wiring that sends a sort of signal to your tv, thats it, i don't care if you stick a xbox 360 game in it, it is goign to show what the ps2 sends.
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