final fantasy XII has a long end boss especial when he starts using pallings and you can't attack or use magic for a while. all you can do is sit back and let him beat on you till they wear off.
for optional bosses FF XII has the most intence boss of all time it took me weeks to slowly chip away at Yazmat's health and at the end is wasn't even very rewarding. it was more a test of patience than anything.
Zone of the enders the 2nd runner also comes to mind.
You have to fight anubis like 2-3 times wich as being the last boss afcours has an above average life bar. some idiots in the dev team decided it would be good to strip you of all atacks save for the most basic [],[],/, combo and its variations.
To add insult to injury the boss is piss easy but takes about half an hour to take down just because hes constantly fleeing only coming out for cheapshots.
So you are fighting an extremely resilient enemy, who happens to be as dumb as a brick meaning with some luck he wont even land a single blow on you for the entire fight and to make it interesting you get to fight stripped off all weaponry and with both hands tied to your back. Most disapointing finale ever.hot114
Thats only for 1 of th fights. Then you get your ultimate form and are all buff up.
final fantasy 10 has penance , that battle is pretty hard . but as far as optional bosses go , i'd give it to Ruby Weapon from final fantasy 7 . it took 4 try's and a butt load of work to beat it . the battle can go on for an hour if your not careful .ovadose85
DUDE! u got up 2 penace guud stuff. im 180hrs in i havnt playd in a wile though. my toughest boss would have to be a few optional bosses frim ffx but real bosses umm i dot know i usually beef my charecters up too much to have a challenge, probalby one winged angel from ff7 (big purple sephiroth) he was tough always doing tha meteor/comet move, i was like 11 when i played it but.
I think Kingdom Hearts [1] was harder (and longer) than KHII. I took me close to an hour and a half to beat the game's "final boss" for both games, but KHII was easier to overlevel in, thanks to the Pride Lands glitch, making everything easier to kill.mauigamer91
I totally agree, Kingdom Hearts was loads harder than Kingdom Hearts II, the reaction commands ruined it for me there was nothing tactical in the KH2 boss battles it was more or less button mashing (though I tried to avoid this as much as possible), but the Ansem in KH1 took me a good 2 hours, it was so difficult and the last form was so difficult:cry:
Lady Yunalesca comes in with a close 2nd though...
Easy one.. the big guy at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2. You fight like 8 different forms and it just dragged on. One of those where you just get tired of fighting the same guy. It probably took an hour an a half for me.
The final collossi in Shadow of the Collosus took FOREVER. Mostly because i kept falling off his tall-ass.
Ultimecia from FF VIII was the first thing I thought of...also Legend of Dragoon. That boss took me close to an hour. I'd mention KH I and II but at least they switched it up a bit to make it less tedious. That way it didn't seem so long.
As far as Sephiroth goes, with KOTR, he's nothing but a joke. Five minutes, tops. But I'll admit, the first time I fought him...a good 45 minute battle. I learned, though...I learned...
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