i just started playing MOH Frontline,are the rest of the games in the series as slow or real life like. When im playing the game i can stand right in front of a guy and shoot at each other before anyone gets shot, and it takes so long to shootone shot after the other. it takes like 20mins to reload. i realize they want to make it like real life but comeon. Are the other games that slow moving. Im used to playing Resistance, its really fast. I realize that its a better engine but there are a lot of fast paced ps2 games.
I mean honestly though how horrible would it be if you had an old fashion rifle that had spead up loading times and firing times, i mean i would be like wow they just screwed this game up, i mean if you don't liek that then stick with modern shooters, the whole point of medal of honor is nazi killing, and u can't kill nazi's with oozi's i mean come on, your not going to have a game based on times from anywhere of the 1930's to 40's and then try and spoof it up with stuff that didn't even exist!
I enjoyed all the MOH games. The best weapon in these games is the M1 Garand because it was the most acurate weapon of that era (I would always try for head shots as much as possible in this game). The Thompson, BAR, and the MP40 would fire a lot of lead but wasn't near as acurate. These games really depended on the weapons you were able to use at any given time.
I enjoy all the MOH games except one. European Assault. It has good, and hard single player mode. But there is NO sense of freedom, and multiplayer modes are REALLY poor compared to MOH rising sun for example
I enjoyed the MOH games but found that all the Socom games were actually better. You may want to try all 4 of the Socom games because they all have there good parts (Socom 2 and Socom 3 has one mission on each that are linked together). The reason is in single player mode you and your team are ran out of an theater of battle but in Socom 3 you get to go back and kick butt and take names.
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