I remember Omega Weapon in the Omega Caverns in FFX. That bastard was a heavy one to take down and it was a journey. After a while though, I got the hang of easily killing off the monsters in the Omega Caverns and my characters leveled up so quickly that I overlapped everyone's sphere grid for every character. Now my characters do over 20k damage and everything they do is so fast and strong, even Lulu's little stuffed animals do massive damage, especially her Onion Knight. Even my Aeons can do almost 100k+ Overdrives. Also in FFVII, the Weapons(Ruby, Diamond, and Emerald) were all hard to take down except for Diamond Weapon, because that big prick went down quick. I didn't even get my characters past level 85 and I just decided to get all the items and Materia leveled up to the maximum and after that it was all too easy. I have the videos of the last battle with Jenova and Sephiroth, where I whooped them both. It was done on the PSP via remote play with the PS3 so the quality's not the greatest. Anyway, I don't really remember any other mega bosses other than Sin in FFX. The last battle before you go inside Sin, if you didn't get your characters really strong, there's no way that you'd ever get past that.
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