Hi i dont post very often on forums and im kinda in a rush to get some answers, so im sorry if this topic has been posted before. I just want a list of games, which in your opinions, are the most challenging on the PS2. Anything in the range of action, adventure, RPG will do just fine. Oh and by challenging i mean SMT: Nocturne challenging :) . Thanks a bunch
And if by challenging you mean hard puzzles and thinking a lot you may also get silent hill 3, that thing is taking my ages to figure out what to do next, I'm stuck in a hall with bats for about one week now xD
Contra: shattered soldier Shinobi God hand Gradius V
Everyone mentions that DMC3 is a hard game however it ONLY gets hard on its 4th and highest dificulty setting. All the other games i mention are challenging from the get-go assuming you start on normal.
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