I find it funny how San Andreas is the most overrated just because it has a black guy in it.
If you're looking for overrated games: Halo series, GEARS OF WAR, GTA series, Metal Gear Solid series, Resident Evil series, Jade Empire, KOTOR, Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross, next-gen games in general(especially 360 games), shooters in general, music oriented games, etc.
The few games that deserve their praise:
Ninja Gaiden/Black/Sigma---deserve highest honors
God Of War 1 & 2---deserve highest honors
Shenmue 1 & 2(DC)---deserve highest honors
Metroid Prime
Jet Set Radio Future(it's sort of music oriented but still good)(underrated)
Monster Rancher series(wayyy underrated)
Soul Reaver(semi-underrated)
Gran Turismo
End of list...
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