Ok this is a fast one tell me have you experience this before.
ok its been 3 weeks now i've been using my new ps2 slim coz my bulk one just bit the dust, and just today i bought 3 games and one of them work well but the other two just wont "CLIP IN" ( where the 3 pins you insert the disk) then i compare it to the other one and my old ps2 games and what i found out the middle ring hole of the disk is to wide, has anyone came upon this problem before as it wont clip in it will just press the 3 pins down and it look like that if i prees any harder it might POP out,
we my solution i took one of the disk and a sand papper rub the middle until it became good enuf for it to clip and it did and it worked find, that brings me to my other question will this ruin my dvd game, coz i want to try it to th other one to but im afraid it might get busted, thanks for reply do need your help
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