Hey, I was just on the ps2 website and saw RaC, Size Matters port for the ps2 coming out March 11th. Is the game worth to buy on the ps2 aswell? Or do you think it will be just another port?
I'm sure it won't be better than the previous games, but still, if you are fan of the series and haven't played the PSP version...i think it will be worth it, cause ratchet and clank ownz !
Quick question- Is Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters even a good game? All I hear people say is that they're picking it up because it's a Ratchet and Clank game. Never have a I heard someone say they're picking it up because it's a great game. Did they add new guns? is there a good story? and how long is the game?
i dont know, i think games that are made on a handheld should stay on that handheld, not ported onto a console. take Grand theft Auto Vice City Stories and Libery City Stories...CRAP games on the console, but im sure they were great on the handheld.
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