Sandbox gameplay: Games that allow you go where ever you want and do whatever you want and off absolutely no direction on how to advance the story because there is none or if there is its insignificant. Events or mini-stories get triggered by different things like talking to people or finding an item but once you finish whatever it is that got triggered your back to having no goals. examples: Saga games, Steambot Chronicles, and Monster Hunter.
These games usually suck. With no goals and nothing to do you quickly get bored out of your mind. You can get stronger and obtain more powerful items but what tests are there to throw your improved guy against or things to crush with your new gear. Usually NADA. Collect xp, collect items, collect money and nothing to spend any of it on. Most other games that atleast had a story end up like this also.Some story drive examplesGTA, Gun,Mercenaries.
Some games sound extremely fun to play where your goal is to just play and not do anything. They sparked interest in me very deeply. The thought of getting to hunt dinosaurs and stuff and make armor and weapons out of their body parts was awesome like monster hunter. Getting to exist in the old west with pistols and rifles and hunt animals and fight bandits sounded awesome in Gun.Unfortunately they didnt deliver.
What is needed in sandbox and free-roam games both are random mission generators. Whether from the start with sandbox style games or after you beat them with free-roam style games they desperately need just a simple engine to create random missions/things to do. Whether its "kill x amount of such and such" or "so and so has ripped me off, go and kill him". Those would freaking give you a reason to keep playing.Next you need ways to let players spend their money. You should have to pay rent on a house and buy things for it or be able to use it to cause things to happen like strip shows or maybe a village celebration of your greatness or on temporary things like being able to customize your outfit and its color palette. Your imagination is the limit on things that could be included.
I think there is one more element that needs to be resolved. Static. Once you max out your level, get the best equipment the game is over and you have no reason to keep playing. If you could spend money to unlock questions or buy items that would allow you to conitnually improve your character and items beyond their limits that would be huge. Part of Static is the opposition you face. This is a tough issue to deal with, some players like to be challenged and others like to crush stuff. Thats where difficulty rating come in.When you goto a random mission generator it should either randomly give you a difficulty level or you should be allowed to pick.Easy or Hard. Easy would make the opposition the same level they were when you beat the game. Hard would make your opponents match your level/stats/equipment.
Now you have things to do, you have things to reward yourself with, and you always have things to work towards and challenge yourself.
Gun was the latest game that inspired me and then let me down. I was hoping you could hunt animals and criminals for money, use the money to buy supplys like whiskey and bullets, not to mention outfits, weapons and horses, and get rewards like a house, a girlfriend,goto a whorehouse and stuff like that. But no. Once you hunt down all the bounties you dont ever get to hunt anybody down again, Once you do all the other missions you never get to do another one.
Monster Hunter was a let down because your character doesnt get stronger you just make better equipment and once you make the last tier stuff its over. There is no way to get stronger. I wanted to kill like 10 velocaraptors and find teeth or claws and when you got enough you could like pay a guy to improve the damage of a weapon by 1. if you killed like 5 stegasaurs and found 5 hides you could trade those to improve your armor. Collect x amount of something and you get a +1 or more to something else.
If developers wanna take things to the next level they are gonna have to work on sandbox play. Because whether the whole game revolves around it from the beginning or only after the story ends its a very important part and almost entirely neglected element of most games.
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