I'm selling a PS2 for a PS3, how much should I expect to sell this at a Gamestop or EB Games for. Also how much could I sell this on EBAY. Thanks for any positive replys!
at gamestop they'll rup u off. i think if u want to sell it quick sell it at gamestop for less cash.. but on ebay u can sell it for more but it will take a little longer. G.L. i sya u get like 60 bucks at gamestop cuz they atleast want to make more than half of profit. probally $35-60 depends which system u have
you will not be likely to get hardly any $ for a ps2 at Gamestop. I would just keep it (especially if its the old fat kind and still works). The ps3, you might get a decent amount, but even still i would use CRAIGSLIST.com you can find somebody in your area to buy it from you cash.
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