So you bums on the forums have been saying how good time splitters is especially for multiplayer and TS2 is on sale at my video store for 8$ so I rented it to check t out and maybe buy it.
The first thing i have to say is im impressed with Errr whoever the developers were. They did a pretty awesome job of CLONING the 007 goldeneye engine from n64 only with better graphics. The weapons and the movement were almost a total match. One thing that really bothered me about the controls was the AIM function. If you have aim ON then you have more freedom with the crosshairs but turning is slow. If you turn aim OFF you can turn really well but they freaking completely remove the crosshairs. You should have had crosshairs even with aim OFF so you could tell if you were lined up or not with your targets. Not everyone is a big sissy who has to run around with autoaim turned on.
The only other thing that bothered me was your inability to shoot out lights but they made up for it by having barrels in thegame filled with liquid and when you shoot a barrel it makes a bullethole and it actually freaking drains the liquid. AWESOME.
The challenge mode is where you have these stupid challenges you have to beat on stages you have already finished. Some of them are extremely difficult and i dont know how the hell your suppose to beat them. I only made it to the second set second mission where you have to survive against flaming zombies. So unlocking some of the stuff in the game is insanely difficult.
Other than all that stuff the game has one HUGE bonus feature. A FREAKING MAP MAKER!!!!!. Its not very deep but its pretty freaking awesome. Basically the only thing you can do is lay down rooms/hallways/intersections, guns, ammo, health/armor, upgrades, teleports, start points, and some special area's. Each building block is made up of sqaures that you can place stuff in. The big rooms are 3x3 and the rest are usually just 1x1's. The only item i could place was crates and even though they took up a whole 1x1 the actual crate when you started playing was very tiny and not even worth playing. It doesnt provide very good cover and it only gets in your way while running.
The most awesome feature of the map maker is you get to mess with the lighting. Again each building block you place has i think the same number of sqaures as you get for placing items. 3x3's and 1x1's. Maybe you just get one light for each block. In any event you can make the lightsfor a room flicker, pulse, switch, or just be constant. You can also make them any color you want from red to green to blue to pink. Rooms with messed up lighting can really add an element to the game.
Maps are pretty fat though. The one i built which still had a little bit of free space in it took 830kb. You would need 1 or more memory cards just for the game for custom maps. I didnt bother checking the faqs or cheats section to see if you can unlock more types of rooms or items or whatever for the custom maps but i would imagine its possable. After you get your map built you can adjust its setting to control who the enemies are, how tough they are, what weapons show up on the map, and some other crap.
If you get to play with someone else pretty consistantly I would highly suggest buying TS2 as you will have TONS of fun with it. The single player was pretty boring and i didnt give a crap about any of the storyline but you can probably unlock stuff by beating it and doing all the bonus stuff. I never got anything but i noticed i was unable to enter certain portions of each stage on my first go through. I think you will need to go back to each stage as part of the game and maybe then stuff will get unlocked. I know something in the map maker said something about story maps. That would be kool to maybe edit the story maps and make your own.
Anyways combat is slightly off but overall I think people were right about how good it is. I didnt buy it but i dont realy have anyone to play it with and im to busy getting crap off ebay before they disappear into the sands of time.
Man I wonder how much time i could waste making maps for that game lol. That was so freaking kool. Why cant more games include map makers!!!! *crys*. My beloved Tenchu 2!!! Why didnt any of your sequals have map makers, why!!! *crys*
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