It was great to have read your post with an excellent breakdown of why you felt which particular genres kept the PS2 as one of the strongest consoles ever made(I think it's the strongest of current-gen consoles).
A lot of people are saying RPGs is a key genre, well name them (besides FF& Xenogears)?
I don't believe RPG is a top genre.Â
Absolutely it's a top genre, although Xenogears was a PS1 title of course. If you really aren't aware of the huge selection of good RPGs on the PS2, just select that category here on Gamespot, and brace yourself for a massive list.
But anyway, the question wasn't "What genres of games sold the most total copies?", it was "What genres kept the PS2 on top?" I take that to mean, what genres of games were this consoles strongest suit? The ones where it was clearly superior compared to the other consoles of its generation, which it completely dominated. To me, sports is clearly not one of those genres, because you could play most any sports title on any console. The major sports game franchises were available on all platforms, and were particularly well done on the Xbox, frequently better than the PS2 versions. The sports series sold well on all platforms of course, and because of the sheer number of PS2's out there, it added up to a ton of PS2 sports titles sold. But that was not a genre that made the PS2 superior -- the consoles were largely even in terms of sports games being any advantage. If anything, I think the PS2 lagged a bit behind the competition in both sports and shooters, when compared side by side.
Where the PS2 did dominate was in action/adventure games and in RPGs. Those were the genres of games where it offered a lot of great gaming that the competition just couldn't match. I might pick action/adventure as the main one, if you define it broadly enough to include MGS, GTA, Devil May Cry, Okami, God of War, etc. Clearly the PS2 led the field in games of that type, boasting lots of signature exclusives, and lots more that debuted here first. But truthfully, the console RPG genre (in all its various types and sub-genres) was the one area where the PS2 was truly untouched by the competition. Nobody comes close to it in that field, period. So that is the one area where the PS2 always has been, and likely always will be, on top.
My first 2 picks for the question that was posed are obvious -- RPG and action/adventure. As to the third genre, I'm honestly not sure if it'd be driving (primarily due to Gran Turismo being synonymous with the Playstation) or fighting (due to the Tekken and Virtua Fighter lineage, as well as most of the Soul Calibur games). Either way, they're a distant third and fourth.
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