Yeah I concur with Ron.  A library in general needs to have variety to it otherwise you will go nuts.  You need racers, fighters, FPS's, hack n slashers/beat-em ups, sports.Â
Racers: Need for speed underground2 and NFS Most Wanted(not carbon), GT4
Fighters: Soul Calibur 3, Dragonball Budokai Tenkaichi 2(or 3 if you wait just a little longer), Mortal Kombat, War of MonstersÂ
FPS: Killzone, Urban Chaos, Socom 1-3 and combined assault, Ghost Recon 1 if you can find it.Â
HackNSlash : Dynasty Warriors 5/ DW5 empires(chinese theme), Samurai Warrior 2/SW2 Empires(japanese theme/ also most recent version of the warrior engine), Drakengard 1-2, X-men Legends 1-2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance(same engine as X-men legends)
Sports: Tony Hawk underground 2 or american wasteland 1-2(not P8!!), NHL, Madden.... NBA Street(I cant remember which version, 1-3, is best.)
Platformers: Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Soul Reaver, Tomb Raider,
Extras:  Mercenaries is like GTA in a military warzone, Trapt is just a wierd game where you kill people who enter this castle with traps. Destroy all Humans 1-2.
RPG's eat up alot of time but once you do beat them very few offer any reason to keep playing so thats when you need these guys.Â
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