Manhunt 2- Not interested. Intense gore is not a turn on.
The Simpsons Game- Anybody will tell you that The Simpsons (1991) arcade game by Konami is the only Simpsons game worth playing. Hit and Run is good but the arcade beat em up is simply the best game from this old way past its prime franchise.
Rogue Galaxy- The story is terrible and the characters are so uninteresting (unlike FFXII, where they have personality). This game follows every stereotype in the book. But we all play video games for the gameplay and the gameplay in RG is great. Huge worlds to explore where you actually want to keep going in circles and just level up for hours. Another great feature here is that if you stopped playing this game for a while, it catches up the story for you conviniently during the load time.
Syphoon Filter Dark Mirror- This game is great. . . on the PSP. The PS2 version has been butchered and censored to give it a T rating. Also missing is the online play which is one of the best features of the PSP version. It seems that PS2 ports of PSP games continue to be infirior. Thank God I have a PSP.
Crash of the Titans- Crash is so 1997, don't give this old hag any attention.
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