What games i'm still missing? Here the list of the ones that i already have: Bully - 007 Everything or Nothing - Call of Duty 3 - Lego Star Wars II - Darkwatch - Final Fantasy X, X-2 , XII, - GTA - Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Need for Speed: MW - Okami - Marvel Nemesis - Prince of persia 3 - Resident evil 4 - Xenosaga II - Silent Hill 4 - MGS 3 - Star Wars Ep.III - Street Fighter Collection - Incredible Hulk UD - Psi-Ops - MLB06. Give your top ten
all the jak games, all the ratchet and clank games, ico, shadow of the collous, kingdom hearts 1+2, god of war 1+2, all sly games, devil may cry 1+3, and psyconaughts. all i can think of now.
Shin megami tensei: Nocturne and Digital devil saga 1&2, Dragon quest 8, FFXII,ZoE: The 2nd Runner, MGS2, Gow2, DMC 1&3, TEkken5, Shadow of the colossus, ICO, Silent hill, PoP 1&2, Tales of the abyss, Dark cloud 2, Rogue galaxy, Onimusha.
Thanks to everyone the next games in my list will be: God of War2 - MGS 2 - Guitar Heroe 1,2 - Rouge Galaxy - SMT Digital Devil Saga - Dragon Quest 8 - Xenosaga III ;)
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