1.MOH:frontline2.COD:finest hour3.BIA 1i havn't played call of dut 3 and i guss if do it was first.
IMO, MoH: F, i think its the only AAA FPS for the PS2 also; but BiA was very good too, despite its glitches
MOH FRONTLINE was great when it was released. You have to consider that we´re talking about a 2001 game.IMO the best FPS WWII for PS2 is Call Of Duty 3. For me it was a 9 points game
Cod3 is an amazing game, i personally have it for the ps3. I also own MOH Frontline, it was a really good game when it came out. With that being said, you can find it for real cheap. Cod3 is something that shouldnt be missed either..
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