So i have noticed prinnys have become sort of a culture phenomenon, no matter what topic you dive in to someone in some way manages to relate it to prinnys somehow.
they're these really cool talkin penguin like things from disgaea... throw them and they explode... throw them near their friends... AND THE ALL EXPLODE!!!... always commin up an sayin : "READY DOOD!!... or "DOOOOOD!!!"... my favorite enemies...
You know I never thought about it but I wonder if its an inside joke that they all talk like that. I mean little kids are the only ones who talk like that and so i wonder if they were trying to say that all those prinnies are made of retarded little kids off the internet?? lol. Wh4t3v3r d00d.
Well yeah prinnys are meant to be sort of obnoxious like the kids on the internet that is because they are the reincarnations of thieves and murderers.
Souls reincarnate to grow as one lifetime is just too short. Murderes, thieves and liars are "young" souls that still lack knowledge of the world so it makes sense that in disgaea they are represented like obnoxious children. Afterall prinnys are weak, disloyal and lazy meaning they havent learned much during theyr lifetime,
Non-Disgaea: When a soul has learned and grown enough it returns to the earthmother/gaia to help it grow and prosper.
On a sidenote: I just made this question to see how well known prinnys are on this forum.
lol Prinnies rock Dood! Disgaea totally rocks. As for a true definititon of what a prinny is the anime explains this. A prinny is a tortured soul who has to serve as a slave for a certain period of time so their sins may be atoned for and they can gain acceptance into heaven (Limbo concept). Depending on what the sin commited is depends on how the prinny looks, acts, and how long it serves (i.e. laharl prinny, red prinny, green prinny). People can't hlep but like the obnoxious addictiveness to the mthough i mean who doesn't want a peg legged demon winged penguin? PRINNY MISSLE!
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