I dont know which ratchet and clank game I should buy: ratchet and clank up your arsenal, deadlocked, or size matters, which one do u think I should buy?
if u cant have all 3 then i would get up your arsenal if u want a ps2 game, if u want a psp game i suggest size matters, either outcome you'll still have a great game, there all pretty awesome!:):D8)
I'd say get Up Your Arsenal. Admittedly I don't know how Size Matter stacks up, but while Deadlocked isn't bad, it still can't measure to its predecessors IMO. I don't know if you have it already, but I'd also say that you get Going Commando in lieu of any of those. For me, it had more bang for my buck, felt longer than UYA and was overall more satisfying (especially since I don't play online), and is just incredibly well-made.
OK plp, I decided to get Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal. THanks for all your help.bullet234
good choice, now you can play them in order too and get deadlocked and tools of destruction when the time feels right for you, i don;t know about size matters though cause i havent played it
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