I love RPGs. Dungeons and Dragson is freaking awesome. And D20 modern? Good times....
Oh wait....you meant like Final Fantasy didn't you. Calling them RPGs is a common mistake.
I did a little more research on how people name certain Japanese made games as RPGs when they are not and it came to me. This has to be stupidiest mistake ever, it's in the same realm as calling Native Americans "Indians." I shall call them JNSCs from now on. If you people have a brain, you would stop calling them RPGs, enlighten yourselves.I love RPGs. Dungeons and Dragson is freaking awesome. And D20 modern? Good times....
Oh wait....you meant like Final Fantasy didn't you. Calling them RPGs is a common mistake.
RPG means Role Playng Game, but actually the JRPG don't are RPG at all, cuz it don't make you take a role from the type of the character you are used, we just play them and they (the character) make they own decisions! This is not RPG they just use an evaluation system that remember RPG. Try Never Winter Nights. This is an electronic RPG. But if you like the idea, try to play an Pen and Paper RPG. They're awesome and you only need (beside the books) your imagination! And if the master is good, it'll be a hell of a fun! Make your own decisions is great!
Don't get me wrong, I love "RPGs", even and mostly Japanese ones, but a session of D&D is really good! Try it, you won't regreat!
I did a little more research on how people name certain Japanese made games as RPGs when they are not and it came to me. This has to be stupidiest mistake ever, it's in the same realm as calling Native Americans "Indians." I shall call them JNSCs from now on. If you people have a brain, you would stop calling them RPGs, enlighten yourselves.2deluxe
[QUOTE="2deluxe"]I did a little more research on how people name certain Japanese made games as RPGs when they are not and it came to me. This has to be stupidiest mistake ever, it's in the same realm as calling Native Americans "Indians." I shall call them JNSCs from now on. If you people have a brain, you would stop calling them RPGs, enlighten yourselves.A_J_Sahae
I'm not an RPG hater but I just don't like it maybe because of the battle system. Final Fantasy 8 and 10 are the only RPG that I played.skp_16If you didnt like them only because of the battle system you should try action JRPGS like Star Ocean or the Tales series(particulary Tales of the abyss)
I did a little more research on how people name certain Japanese made games as RPGs when they are not and it came to me. This has to be stupidiest mistake ever, it's in the same realm as calling Native Americans "Indians." I shall call them JNSCs from now on. If you people have a brain, you would stop calling them RPGs, enlighten yourselves.2deluxe
Well, you are certainly free to call them whatever you like, based on your opinions of the games. But having read so many of your agitated and increasingly argumentative posts on this lately, I think it'd be less stressful for you (and probably for the rest of us) if you learn to accept that most people don't happen to agree with your opinion on this. That goes not just for gamers, but obviously also for gaming media, developers, and the whole industry, all of whom do consider these games to be a type of RPG.
You need to broaden your perspecive a little, or at least come to grips with the fact that not all of us have the limited view you seem to. There are a lot of different genres of games, and a lot of different types and sub-genres, within those genres. Whether you choose to try to divide RPGs by Western/Japanese, or (more accurately in my opinion) by PC/Console style, having a preference for one type doesn't mean that the other type can be disregarded as an RPG, simply because it's a different type.
I've played RPGs of all kinds and types for the better part of 25 years. AD&D with maps and dice, most every Ultima released on the old Atari/Amiga computers, the Gold Box games from SSI and TSR, most of the Might & Magic series, both Baldur's Gate runs, the Elder Scrolls series since Daggerfall, and lots of others from Dungeon Master to Fallout, from Arcanum to Planescape: Torment. I've spent way too many hours in MMORPG's including Asheron's Call, the original EverQuest, SWG, and EQ II, which I'm still playing. Console RPGs are comparatively new to me, as I've only been playing them for about the last 5-6 years, compared to all those years of computer RPGs (both PC and earlier). But I've been enjoying the various types of RPGs in the PS2 (and PS1) library as much as I enjoyed the traditional PC-style RPGs.
There are certainly differences between most RPGs with a PC heritage, and those which are console based, but the truth is there are huge differences within all the various RPGs just on the PC alone. And there are huge differences among all the myriad RPGs available on consoles. Games that you'd like to group all together as "Western" can cover the whole spectrum -- from totally open-ended gameplay with a character or party custom created from scratch, to games which are just as limited, linear, and constrained by pre-determined characters and plot as any of their console counterparts. I'll certainly agree that there is very little on the console RPG side which is as open-ended and player-determined as some of the most traditional PC stype RPGs, notably things like Daggerfall. But that doesn't mean that only they can be called RPGs, even though that seems to be your opinion.
These things are all RPGs, they're simply different kinds. You seem not to agree with this or accept anything that doesn't fall within the strict parameters you prefer, and that's fine. But that's really just your opinion. You're definitely entitled to it, but you might want to consider whether it's really worth constantly trying to pick an argument with your fellow gamers -- in a console gaming forum no less -- about one of the most popular and successful genres of games for that console. And you might want to think about doing so in a less insulting manner, regardless. I assure you that a lot of us do have a brain, and probably at least as much gaming expertise and experience as you do. We just happen to have a different opinion -- and apparently somewhat broader gaming horizons -- than you do.
I like RPG's now. Idont liekold JRPG's, paticularly ff8. So long and boaring:roll:. But these days RPGs are alotquicker to getinto, on any platform.
I'm not an RPG hater but I just don't like it maybe because of the battle system. Final Fantasy 8 and 10 are the only RPG that I played.skp_16
actually final fantasy is not an RPG, in fact most, if not all JRPG are nothing more than grind fest, but they are not RPGs
I used to enjoy the RPG--but now I've come to loathe them. A game touting game length as one of it's redeeming qualities baffles me, because a game that contains 100 hrs. of game play does not possess 100 engrossingly enjoyable hours of game play. DQ8 made me hate RPG's again...you show me a gamer who enjoys the grueling hours it takes to level up a party, and I'll show you somebody getting ready to shoot people from atop a bell tower.throwinlazers32
play D&D games, max lvl is 20
@Silvaryn and everyone else.
The problem with "role playing games" as acategory or term, used in video games, is that it has no connection with what term means when used in any other context.
role playing game, implies that you take on the role of a character, as a form of entertainment. Almost every game has you take the role of a character; shooters, adventure games, even platformers. You could even say that while playing chess "You take the role of the king and send your army to defeat your enemy while you protect your self, and ensure your survival."
The problem with most RPGs is that they are basically cinematic experiences spliced with some collection and combat gameplay. People don't watch movies and say I'm taking the role of the main character, so to say that about most RPGs would be just as silly.
In psychological careers, this term is used in reference to having a person portray another persons; personality traits, dialoge, and actions. Few games really game-play element that allows you to role play a character in this sense.
This term is easily miss-used, doesn't really describe the game play elements of a game. Make your perspective of RPG to broad and almost every game is a RPG. So really the term RPG should not even be used for video games.
I dont have anything against ppl who play RPGs and Ive heard SO many ppl saying how Final Fantasy is a great game and blah blah blah, so I caved in and got some RPG back in my PS1 days and I have to say I just utterly HATED it.
The gameplay is so slow, boring and taking turns to fight and make moves was just not appealing at all to me.
I gave the genre a try and I found Im not the RPG playing type. Most RPG lovers will say I need to try an action RPG or just try the best FF games out there first before giving up on the whole genre, but I really think it wouldnt make any difference or change my opinion about it at all.
Sorry RPGs! I really wanted to like you, but it just wasnt meant to be.
I have like 7-8 RPGs on my shelf right now just collecting dust. I don't have the time to play them, but it feels great knowing that I have them and how much forward I look to playing them, when I get my vacation in October. I'm really going to be putting some time into Growlanser: Generations and a few others. It just feels nice knowing I have some great games to play. RPGs give you a feeling like no other game. Cause the stories are always so involving and overwhelming. But I prefer strategy rpgs over the action ones. But an RPG is an RPG.
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