I'll be honest with you guys. I did not like that game at all. My opinions aside, why does everyone like this game? I thought it had the foundation of being a really cool game but I thought the controls were really messed up and unwieldy. The game also had a really bad framerate and the graphics weren't very good either. So how come I always see high scores for this game? I know everyone has their own opinions but I just don't understand why everyone loves this game. It is one of the only PS2 games I've ever played that I didn't like. Am I like the only person on the planet that doesn't like this game? I see so many people in their reader reviews saying how the graphics are beautiful but to me it looks like it has PlayStation 1 graphics.
Again, I'm not trying to start a flame war about this game, I'm just curious as to why people like it. Please actually leave valid reasons instead of just "ZomG DiZ GeAm is AwEzume!"
I think a lot of people like it simply because it reminds them of Zelda and they also liked ICO.
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