They are allways games that are overshadowed like for example Dreamfall, that game rocked, then psiconauts and as well Beyond good and Evil. What about ICO? That was another piece of art!
I have ordered okami for australian release.
People are overlooking such nice titles, the problem is that they are so many games and so little time to enjoy. Games that give unlimited time of gameplay (for example CS or WOW) are destroying the gaming marketing too.
I play em all.
I'm playing FFXII for the rpg and epicness, Okami for the exploration/adventure/and yes artsy game, POP Warrior Within for the action packed violence fest (with great puzzles) and then SVR 2007 and GH2 to round it out.
I am nuts about OKAMI and games which are very similar in style, shape, ways or forms. E.g. ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Killer 7, Viewtiful Jeo, God Hand etc...
Is just too bad that those games are not within touch of the mass markets in the west therefore they have been overlooked or even underrated. But thats understandable.
Allot of my friend wouldn't give OKAMI a chance because of the way it looks and they are all into games like COD (PC). But I respect them.  Different people have different taste therefore I wouldn't be ashamed of them or myself if I don't like OKAMI and such. :P
You can complain about games like Okami selling badly, but it's really no surprise.
The casual gamer is someone who is going to be enticed by games that are well advertised (I have never seen an advert for Okami or God Hand), and also the average gamer (not the kind of people who goes on these boards) are playing games like FIFAÂ and Madden, because they like sports games, and violent shooters with big advertising and names (Call of Duty 3, 50 Cent: Bulletproof etc.), not something which looks cartoony and is about being a wolf with a paintbrush. They like blood and realism, not nice things and light colours. It was never going to sell well, and if people start complaining to people on these boards, who will have likely bought the game, they're complaining to the wrong people.
Couldn't agree with you more......You can complain about games like Okami selling badly, but it's really no surprise.
The casual gamer is someone who is going to be enticed by games that are well advertised (I have never seen an advert for Okami or God Hand), and also the average gamer (not the kind of people who goes on these boards) are playing games like FIFAÂ and Madden, because they like sports games, and violent shooters with big advertising and names (Call of Duty 3, 50 Cent: Bulletproof etc.), not something which looks cartoony and is about being a wolf with a paintbrush. They like blood and realism, not nice things and light colours. It was never going to sell well, and if people start complaining to people on these boards, who will have likely bought the game, they're complaining to the wrong people.
I have a subscription to Game Informer, and Okami and God Hand had full page ads. (God Hand's was freaking amazing with the guy getting punched through the mouth.)
Stylistic games just aren't as big here. Same as stylistic movies and music have never been big. Americans have always been fans of straight foward action. We like football. We like James Bond. We like Disturbed. We eat bbq wings and pizza and shy away from roast duck.
It's nice to see that not all gamers are blinded by the shiny graphics of the next gen systems. Great games like Okami are the reason I am still playing PS2. The only thing I don't like about Okami is how the voices were handled. God Hand was a little over the top for me.
So I have been playing both Okami and God Hand, and wow. These are two of the most brilliant games I have ever played. Why did no one buy these titles?ebcdic
Well, a great many of us here bought them -- particularly Okami, which is one of the most beloved and most recommended games on this forum -- back when they first came out, before Clover was disbanded. I'm not sure why you think we should be ashamed of ourselves. Question is, where have you been? :wink:
I was so on the GTA/Gears of War/God of War/Resistance bandwagon. ebcdic
Ah. Well there ya go. Better late than never though, eh? God Hand is a very specific kind of game, which seems to be love-it or hate-it for most people, including the reviewers. I enjoy it a lot myself, but I would never put it in the same league as Okami. I completely agree with you that Okami is one for the ages, and will likely be looked at as a pinnacle of achievement in design and art direction for years to come.
Seriously, if Okami could've just had voices....
Normally I don't mind, but they never stop talking and all you can hear is that damn mumbling! ARGH!
That being said, Okami isn't a great game because of its art style. Its a great game because of its depth and fun factor. The art style is a bonus. (and actually a turn off for me, but I looked past it and found a quality game.)
But you can't take away from GTA, Gears of War, or Resistance because they're not particularly artistic. That's just silly. They are games that foucus on a completely different theme and emotion. One shouldn't be ashamed because they chose Gears of War over Okami. Both games have a lot to offer. Its like in movies. A good film critic doesn't hate action movies because he's seen Pan's Labyrinth or something like it. He just knows to take each for what they are. Regardless of how Pan is, it doesn't mean people who like Terminator 2 more are stupid or should be asamed of themselves. They're both good movies. Just like Okami and those three action games are good games.
I have both games as well, and i can say Okami is one of the most beautiful, well developed, original and funny games i´ve ever played! on the other hand, i did´t find God Hand that good. The music is horrible! and the technical issues it has lesses its quality
Okami is an excellent game, but I guess it's unusual style didn't appeal to many people, not to mention little advertising. I don't recall ever hearing of this game until I saw reviews showing up.
As for God Hand... I haven't played it. I don't know why I haven't played it. It sounds like the kind of beat-em up challenge that I'm looking for. The reviews for the game seems so widely mixed, it's kind of odd, but I plan to add this to my collection.
i really like Okami. the paintbrush technique is incredibly fun, and even the gameplay outside of that is awesome. the graphics and music are both beautiful too. there really hasnt been a big flaw i've seen so far.
i haven't played God Hand though, and i don't really plan on doing so. i'm not really into action/fighting games.
Hey, you're right mister. Okami is just beautiful in every way. I felt so sad when I heard the number of copies it sold compared to other games such as Madden or even the Hannah Montana game.
As for God Hand, I've been eternally searching for it in my country and I'm this close to import it because I cannot seem to find it here. Me, as much as you, encourage people to play these kind of games not because they're good but because they offer a different gameplay experience must games today do not.I bought Okami. I've got nothing to be ashamed of.staindcoldlpMe too day one. It's one of the best PS2 games one could buy.
I'm not ashamed at all, I own God Hand and I thought it was an under appreciated title, it was really done well, the story and the mechanics were great, I enjoyed the crap out of that game.
Okami is on my list of games to buy, but at the moment I don't have any money at all so I can't buy it, or any games for that I have to wait, but I'm grabbing it the minute I get some money, because I REALLY want to try my hand at it, the game looks amazing.
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