Is that a good deal? Basically brand new condition PSP with 6 games and a 1 gb mem stick.
If you like all 6 games then go for it, if not then figure out how much it would be if you bought it all new.$170 for new psp$30 for 2Gb mem stick$10 to $20 for some good cheap games.
Is that a good deal? Basically brand new condition PSP with 6 games and a 1 gb mem stick.-Prime-Yup. Where is the link?
I guess I will do it. Most of the games I would like and the addition of a mem stick (even though I already have a 2gb) is nice. Oh sorry it was an ebay link, but I closed the page before I made this topic.
...hmm I got my NEW psp and 4 games for only 60$...but then the perosn stole 2 of the games :cry: but make sure you geta better memery stick
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