They are several reasons I chose the PS3. The first and main reason was that I was pissed off at Nintendo because of what they did with the gamecube. I always played Nintenedo since the original NES, because it felt like they had a variety of games. With there last system it felt like there targeted audience was children and other non-gamers. What I mean by 'non-gamers' is people who might pick upand playone time for a couple of hours just to play with their friends. After that, they would probably never pick up and play again. Mostly, I played that systemby myself, no online capabilities what so ever. Bought the damn thing just to play one game: Smash Bros. Yes, that's a good game, but I will never by another game console of the anticipation of just one game.
Thus, I decided to get a PS3 for this generation of gaming. Yeah it has a price tag no one likes. But the price tag is justified, I think. It hasabuilt in internet browser and can play blu-ray (games and movies). You get all that without buying anyadd-onsor memory cards. Well, no memory cards until you begin to run out of space on your hard drive. That's another thing about getting a PS3 with backwards compatibilty, if you decide to get one of those, you might want to think about getting a memory card adapter. You'll need one of them to download saved data from PS2 and PS1 memory cards (if you have any) to your PS3 hard drive.
Now for games. The PS3 can't play Halo. The PS3 can't play Gears of War. The PS3 can't play Bioshock or any other great exclusives for the 360. I don't own a 360, but I will say it's a great system. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS3 and it isthe number one console in my book, but I still have to give props to the 360. My friend has one and I've had my fair share of playing it.When the 360 came out, Microsoft's attention was immediately directed to that console (even though they still had the original XBOX out still).Not too many games were being released for their other system, at least I don't think, after the 360 launch.And don't forget,the 360has a year on the PS3, so the quantity of games available for that system is nothing short of many. When the PS3 arrived, what can I say, Sony's approach to the new generationseemed to bethe direct opposite of what Microsoft's was.
They launched with an extremely high price tag and just two gamesI really liked.But like I said, Sony's attentionseemed to still be on the PS2.Just a couple of weeks before launching the PS3, they had released FFXII for the PS2. As youmay know, FF isn't just another game for Sony's console, but a flagship title. Like Halo is to Microsoft. So, it felt like it was gonna be a while before Sony turned their attention to the 'here and now.' There are more decent games available for the PS3 now (even though I just own three). But most Sony's flagship titles haven't been released yet. The next Final Fantasy is off in the distant future as well as God of War IIIand Tekken 6. For the near future, you have GTA IV, Metal Gear, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, Devil May Cry 4, Soul Calibur IV, Killzone, an update for highly addictive Warhawk, and a 'rumored' Resistance 2 (following Resistance: Fall of Man). Those are just some I know of the top of my head for 2008. I would also say Resident Evil 5 but all keep seeing when I look for a release date is TBA 2008 or TBA in 2008.
All in all, the PS3 is not a bad console by any means. If you do decide to get one though, the only thing youhave to deal withis fanboys arguing about which system is better. "The 360 is better than the PS3, no the PS3 is the better than the PS3." If you get a PS3, try not to feed into any of that **** Just play thegames and be happy.
Sorry for taking up your time withthe long message.
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