I am thinking how would the ps3 be as PC. it would sound crazy but it even could be better than an average PC. Like install linux on the ps3 get a wireless keyboard and mouse :D and u have a pc and alot cheaper right ?.
I mean a good PC that runs gd games needs a good video card that can be around 400-700$ or even more, u'll need a 60 gb hd and 3.2 processor and mouse keyboard, ethernet card (to connect online) also blu ray i donno if u'll see that now. but a pc with these specifications will cost alot.
Get a ps3 gives u the cell processor 60gb hd, blu ray, hd dvd, dvd a gd graphics engine better gaming experience for only 600$.
I mean in this sense isnt it better than a pc in someway price and gaming experience and as a movie player. I donno but correct me if i am wrong.
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