Better online support (include headset with ps3).. right now admit it. its crap. u cant meet new people etc, and home might solve it but they seriously need a headset bundled. PS3 Online is so damn messed up right now its horrible.
Better Dev support . They have the price drop so it should move some ps3s but they need wayy better dev support and better dev kits.
Advertising..... We need more ads on the ps3 price drops, ps3 overall etc.
Sony did a good move on the price drop but now they need to work on these 3 main things. Online, Dev support (more games) and hype building. Heck justl ook at the sales of GH3. 186k on 360 and 36k on PS3. Thats embarassing man. I mean seriously, what are they doign right now? Sony's got the japanese and european market for next gen (excluding wii) but when it comes to AMerica, the BIGGEST industry, they're doing crap.
By next year they better shape up all these issues (Price drop is a start) or i'm selling my ps3 and getting a 360
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