I had this post all nice and tidy, but then GS wouldn't let me post it due to a censorship error... Regardless, I might buy a game Wednesday afternoon and, because I only own singleplayer games, I want to get an online one: either CoD4, The Orange Box, or UT3. I have some problems with each of them though, and yes I have read reviews. I would just like some opinion, feedback, and recommendation to help me in my decision.
Call of Duty 4 is a great game, but I've already beaten the campaign on hard and probably won't be too motivated to play it again on Veteran. The community is supposedly great though and the levelling system is pretty cool, another bad thing though is I've seen a friend play online countless hours so it may get old.
The Orange Box is a game I've wanted to get for a while now, though it does suffer from graphical glitches on the PS3. Nothing that makes it unplayable and soon a patch will probably be out. I've also beaten Half-Life 2 on the original Xbox and Portal on the 360, but those games both warrant for another replay. And Team Fortress 2 looks fun, but a bit limited in what it offers for gameplay modes.
Unreal Tournament 3 looks very fast-paced and I have never played an UT game before. The graphics are amazing and the user-created content is beginning to be released, offering what may be limitless replay value. The campaign supposedly sucks though, and I have never played an UT3 game before so I may not like it.
Thanks for the help from anyone!
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