This is more of a system wars thing. Yes the system is worth getting. There are quite a bit of exclusives that are not available elsewhere.
The exclusives list is pretty big
Ratchet and Clank
Demon's Souls
Little Big Planet
Hot Shots Golf
Heavy Rain
Modnation Racers
God of War
Twisted Metal
The Last Guardian
Valkyria Chronicles
3D Dot Game Heroes
some people like Metal Gear
Some multiplats have bonus content or some other feature something not present in the other version
RPG's like Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy 13, and Star Ocean 4 are on one disc. The PS3 version of Star ocean features a Japanese voice track and some bug fixes. Mass Effect 2 has all the DLC included on the disc.
Eternal Sonata has a Japanese voice track and bonus dungeons
Ninja Gaiden 2 might lack the blood of the original but it adds a mission mode similar to the first game and adds online co-op. There are a few extra levels with playable characters other than Ryu. There are also bonus bosses.
The D-pad is better for fighters.
If you are interested in these things, then get the system.
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