Some stuff you should concider:
Basic Concept -- What is the "high concept" of the game?
Background Story -- If applicable, tell the story of the game that leads into the beginning of the game, and tell the story that unfolds during gameplay, if any (in the case of a puzzle game like SHANGHAI, for instance, this is probably unnecessary -- but it would be necessary for something like ALIENS VS. PREDATOR).
What is the tone? What is the basic narrative? What is the "heart" of the story? Is it a linear story?
Objective -- Describe the objective of the game.
If the objective is simply "get as many points as possible," then state it so. But if the objective is "rescue the princess," then that's another matter. In either case, give as much detail as possible to aid the reader in having some basis in understanding the rest of the design document as he reads on. What is the player's goal and why would they want to accomplish it?
Gameplay -- Describe the way the game works, from beginning to end.
After powering up (or booting), is there a title screen, what does it look like, is there an options screen, what are the choices, is there an animated sequence, can it be bypassed and how...
Then, when the game begins, we see our hero appear in a scene. Describe the scene and what happens next. If nothing happens until the user does something, describe what the user's options are and what happens as a result of all possible actions. Keep in mind that most games to some extent are controlled by the user. The hero doesn't automatically do anything; the user, when playing the game optimally, might cause the hero to do such-and-such an act, which would cause the computer-controlled enemy to do this, and the user's options are to do X and Y...
Describe the A.I. of the computerized opponent(s), if any. It is sometimes helpful to write a "walkthrough" of the game to further enhance the reader's ability to visualize the game.
What is the planned interface?
What is the planned perspective (1st person vs. 3rd person)?
What is the basic interactive structure? (e.g. Chapters vs. Great Middle Section, Levels, etc.).
What is the "heart" of the gameplay? (e.g. speed, actions, **** continuous, turnbased, etc.?
How does multi-player work?
How difficult is the game?
How long will it take the average player to complete?
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