Okay...now im not sure if you guys are with me or nott but...
did you guys noticed that SEGA has marketing problems in a way ?
and they are not strategic with their plans on buisness and gaming ?
They drop good games but think about it......
Yakuza series: They were known as good games but from the way it seems..
since the game didnt sell well in NA but sold good in Japan they developed Yakuza 3 for Japan but not for NA...wrong right ?
Shenmue series: They game was sold well and noticed all around but didnt make the marketing limit for enough money for 3..
They made pt 1 and II but since pt II did not sell on the regular Xbox (REMIND you regular xbox) the game was automatically canceled
for making of Pt III...it was rumored that Pt III was already made (including shenmue online and etc) but they didnt put it out due to the
fact that PT II didnt sell well exclusively on Xbox (they were better off putting it multiplatform...if you asked me)
Valkryia Chronicles: A Beautiftful game with a smooth battle system and a dramatic story with war involved..something like a Anime of Gundam when
they argue about warr and etc dont you think ? Well the game is known so good for its battle system and story that even I bought it and got hooked to it..
but the game did not sell well to go highly noticed..but, it was a Die hard game making it known for its awareness...but the game was marketed as an exclusive but around the time when Reisistance and Little Big Planet was swring around the neighboorhood taking all the fame and promotional looks for
money making and pride to move the PS3 system...
(Jet Set Radio Future (xbox)which was the pt.II of Jet Grind Radio(dreamcast) flopped due to its sales on the Xbox)
I love Sega and Im sure a lot of people do..They have good games and made good games (especially on Dreamcast....that was a beautiful breed....)
but sometimes it dawns on me that their marketing skills OR something they do makes there games seen the wrong way or just walked past by when they are worth a charm like Valkriya Chronicles...Do you gamers see what i am saying or no ?
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