I've had a PS2 for years, I currently own God of War (the first one), andKingdom Hearts 1 and 2. I've finally decided to break down and buy my first PS3. Sell it to me. What should I know? How durable is it (RROD from the 360?)? What games should I try? Etc..
Ok first off I recommend buying a PS3 slim model brand new, it's VERY rare for the slim models to break or have system failure rates. Of course it CAN happen but it's just not very often (nothing like the RROD) and the slim model failures are usually caused by people not taking care of the system. So I can gurantee you that you won't have any issues with it as long as you take care of it properly (slim model mind you...not the fat models as those do tend to break)
As for games you should get Uncharted 2 and Uncharted Drakes Fortune because they are simply awesome and are the PS3 main poster exclusive, sort of like how Halo is the 360 poster exclusive. If you buy a PS3 you buy the Uncharted games just like if you buy a 360 you buy the Halo games, the PS3 and Uncharted just go together.
Some other great exclusives are Metal Gear Solid 4 which is simply epic, it has some pretty long cut scenes (some go past an hour actually) but the story is pretty good. Although this is coming from a long time MGS fan so mabey you might not like the game as much as I do, but it's still great overall.
There is also Little Big Planet 1 and 2, these games look like cutesy kid games and they are in a way, but these games have the BEST level creation I have ever seen on consoles, literraly you can make ANYTHING you want like someone made an Assassin Creed level , a Halo level, Family Guy levels ect... and they look EXACTLY like it too, not just taked on stuff. Once you play some of the creative stuff on there you will be hooked and the game never gets boring either, there are always new levels to play.
You mentioned you own the God of War gams on your PS2, well God of War 3 is carzy! It's fast and violent and has some pretty hardcore boss fights. I would definately recommend it if your a fan of that genre.
If your a FPS fan then there are the Resistance games and the Killzone games. Both series are pretty great FPS but I still think Halo Reach is better than both of these games. Resistance has a more WW2 but with aliens feel to it (at least the first one) but they are known for their crazy MP battles with 60 players. I personally think that is overdoing it butthe Resistancegames have pretty solid online communities so I guess they enjoy it. Killzone is great as well and is not only a technical achievement for FPS console games, it also hasan addictive MP mode that is very chaotic and feels like a warzone and yet has a lot of strategy at the same time. It's pretty fun.
Heavy Rain is good if your into storylines but the intro is a little slow to be honest...
And of course you have the multiplats aswell which look just as good as the 360 version (despite what fanboys say, you will NEVER see a difference in the first place unless you go to lens of truth or something like that)
PSN lets you play online for free (no it doesn't lag anymore than Xbox Live does) the difference between Xbox live and PSN though is that the updates on PSN are much slower than Lives and the messaging system on PSN is pretty outdated compared to Xbox Live (PSN has to type out messages where as Live you can send voice messages and do party chat ect..) Oh and the PSN Store has less content compared to XBL and the PSN Store gets things a little slower than Xbox Live like the COD map packs, PSN users had to wait a month to get them where as Live had them right away.
As far as online gameplay goes though, both Xbox Live and PSN are the same. Neither one "lags" more than the other and they both have about the same number of players on games so you'll be able to findjust as manypeople to play with on PSN. Everything else is the same, they both have gamertags, they both have trophies/achievements, they both have friends list with comments, you can compare trophies with friends just like achievements ect..
One other difference though is that Xbox Live has more people with headsets, most sessions on PSN I get into only have about half the players using headsets where as Xbox Live everyone has one, wether or not that matters is up to you.
Oh and you have a Blu Ray player which is AWESOME!
Beyond that I can't think of anything else, oh and sorry for the long post...I'm just trying to help you out is all :)
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