[QUOTE="The_Pig_Hostage"] I'm like you - I'm no fan of online multiplayer, but I heard so many great things about Call of Duty 4 that I became interested. I ended up buying the game, and while I have to admit that it's very, very well made, it didn't exactly convert me. That said, I enjoyed the multiplayer more than I expected I would (and was able to hold my own more easily than I ever have in any online game), so that must mean that's simply more accessible than the average online shooter.
But at the end of the day, I'd have to prefer Assassin's Creed because it's so much stronger a single-player game. Sure, it's flawed, but it's still a beautiful experience, and if you don't go into it expecting the greatest game ever made (too many people did), you'll probably enjoy it quite a bit.
Rats...two excellent plus points for both games.
I'm going to end up stroking out over this decision. :P
Yeah I know what you mean. I was planning on only getting one, but ended up getting both because it was too hard to decide. However, I'm already selling my copy of Call of Duty 4 on ebay because online gaming simply isn't for me, no matter how good it is. So if you feel pretty certain that online just isn't your thing, regardless of the quality or accessibility of any given game, maybe you should pass on this one and save yourself the trouble. Some games just aren't for some people, you know?
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