I'll hold onto my last shred of hope until it's officially confirmed on Monday, but I have to admit that the evidence looks pretty strong that the big news is this game, and it's the kind of news that makes me want to punch a Sony exec in the nutsack, and then kick him in it again while he's down. This will f***ing suck if this is the news.
I own both consoles, and this doesn't make the PS3 owner half of me glad I have a PS3, let alone make the 360 half of me envious in the least, how the f**k does this game make anyone wish they had the system? Unless your some diehard MMO nut. I hate MMOs, I will not pay a fee for another one, ever again unless all games become MMOs. Console MMOs generally suck, why is this game good news?
I didn't buy shadowrun because it is multiplayer only, I won't buy Warhawk because of the same reason, I sure as hell won't buy Conan or Huxley because they are MMOs, and I won't even give this piece of crap the Agency another thought, I don't care if it is using Unreal 3. Iam getting so tired of these damned game companies making ahalfa**ed half of agame and putting it out there as multiplayer only, charging us full price to play it, and then in these MMO's cases, charging us a fee for the privalage of continueing to play thierPOS half of a game. They can take the game and shove it.
I wouldn't buy it simply for the fact that Sony built up this big fricking announcement and people are saying it's going to make everyone want a PS3 and it turns out it's a f***ing MMO. Man am I pissed at the thought that this is the big plan. Why thehell would I pay a fee to play this crap on a free network, when I can play a probably better shooteronline or offline forfree (the game cost doesn't count since they both have to be purchased) or if I want character building and depth, I can, oh, here's a thought, play an RPG.
Bottom line is, that if this turns out to be the big announcement, all it is, is Sony's answer to"Huxley" plain and simple, maybe it will be better, maybe it won't, but honestly, who cares? I'll stickwith my realgames thank you very much.
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