You have Gene as Wonka for your avatar, so I like you and accept what you have to say without argument.
Generic qualities can be ascribed to just about every game now, though. Platformers are strewn with collectibles (coins stars you name it), FPS there are dudes to shoot hiding behind cover, RPGs there are going to be metrosexual characters who cause you confusion & skill trees, the "generic" qualities are why we find an affinity for a given genre, most times.
In the case of this game, yeah it's Aliens, and yeah, it's all been done before... But that's what I want, in ways. To go back to LV426, and see what happened, try to make a change, save the day.
And it's all that matters.
Like I said, I don't mind generic. I can appreciate it. But I was not a fan of the last (and equally generic) AVP game and Colonial Marines looks like more of the same so for me, "I didn't like the last one" + "Generic gameplay" = "I'll pass".
But yeah, I know how the ALIENS franchise is popular and I know many people will be all over this game so I think the game has its place in the market.
Completely Grok'ed. (I process, understand, and agree)
I know that because I enjoy the Aliens storyline, it's a bit more of a charge for me than someone who's not into it... And you have a good point. I honestly thought that the AvP game could have been better, they could have lost a few things, made a few things more focused instead of three campaigns, but it was sort of a tribute to the 1995 PC title so there were some restrictions to the game... But this new game is taking up right after Ridley Scott's film as apposed to all theconvoluted BS that came when FOX figured out they owned both franchises (Alien & Predator), and all of the cross-inking was done. I think the lack of Predator in this game is going to be welcome to me, and I can just get into being over-run as a Marine.
I saw "ALIEN" in the theater back in 1979, and I've been waiting for this sort of interactive experience ever since. (Yes, I'm that old - I fart dust).
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