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[QUOTE="Jamie_1987"]whats your probelm?? did you not see sony's announcement on how you can now turn off your PS3 with your PSP??? PureDante
I think he was being sarcastic or atleast I hope he was.
Are you serious that was Sony conference they talked about their product as for FFXIII and versus wait for SE conference then see if TGS was a disappointment or not.
Sony just keeps delaying their product thats what they are good at.
This is just the a conference, I'm guessing tomorrow they will start showing off games.
But still, I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't announce the $400 sku. I hope they do it later.
Yes, a little bit about HOME, but people, calm down a little bit, this is only a keynote, He( KAZ) did say there will be over 40 games to show in this event, I care most for games, nothing less nothing more, I guarantee that everybody will be satisfied when they begin showing games.
Yes, a little bit about HOME, but people, calm down a little bit, this is only a keynote, He( KAZ) did say there will be over 40 games to show in this event, I care most for games, nothing less nothing more, I guarantee that everybody will be satisfied when they begin showing games.
over 40 games eh.. does that include the trailer they showed with all the games that are already out?? because if it does....
Smh,a bunch of drama queens except for Luxen90 and Rhaxdric
Heh, thanks. I dunno, I really wasn't expecting anything today, so the MGS4 trailer and confirmation of Dualshock was fantastic news. Then I've been thinking Home would be delayed for awhile now, as long as LBP is out on time, it's all good. Right now, I'm crossing my fingers for Megaman Legends 3, doubt we'll see it though.
Well i'm more dissapointed on them not realeasing a cheaper sku to gain a better market share and more sales, as for hom i can wait it's not a game just an app and im sure ill survive without it for now lol.Solid_Max13
i doubt they would annouce a $399 SKU while they are trying to deplete the 60Gb SKU. Wouldnt make sense, because no one would buy a Ps3 until the "40Gb" came out. They need to sell more of the old hardware first before they can move on. He said in the keynote the production cost has decreased significantly. In addition to no EE chip, smaller harddrive, lowerblu-ray costs. I still think it is very liekly to hear about a $399 SKU this year
Ok. Here I go. Yes, of course I'm excited for the release of the Rumble, but a 4-6 month extra wait for it? Cmon, thats a heart killer.
Price drop. Why wasnt another one announced for the rumored 40gb for $400? Thats very bad in my opinion. Sony would need that 400$ ps3 to compete with the high-selling halo3 LE for 400$
wheres FFXIII? KHIII? killzone2? cmon!
wheres the XMB in-game interface-firmware update 2.0?
Sorry, I'm just tad bit angry.
trust me i feel ur pain, thats the price we pay for loyalty
What really pissed me off though, was the DS 3 controller. All this talk about how rumble was last gen, and all the rumors about how Sony was working on this new cool version of rumble to reinvent it with the multipad rumble,and the hope of a possible redesign on the controller, and what do we get, the same crappy SIXAXIS controller with weak assed rumble since just about everyone who has used it and reported on it, says it's fairly weak and nothing special. I mean come on, we had to wait all this time for it, and they give us this crap? Very sad.
Yeah, there are games to be shown off, but where is there anything new? Most of what they showed in the key note were games we already know about. Showing a couple new videos of games that have been known about for 2 frickin years isn't anything to jump up and down about.
Yeah, so far TGS has sucked, but we'll see.
Ok. Here I go. Yes, of course I'm excited for the release of the Rumble, but a 4-6 month extra wait for it? Cmon, thats a heart killer.At first. I would agree. But then I started looking at GS and IGNs coverage of TGS. And realized that the whole show (two days) covers MORE than just a press conference. This show wasn't just about "ground breaking" announcements. It was also about playable demos for people/press to play. And new jrpgs (that some americans don't care about).
Price drop. Why wasnt another one announced for the rumored 40gb for $400? Thats very bad in my opinion. Sony would need that 400$ ps3 to compete with the high-selling halo3 LE for 400$
wheres FFXIII? KHIII? killzone2? cmon!
wheres the XMB in-game interface-firmware update 2.0?
Sorry, I'm just tad bit angry.
Why is everyone complaining about a show that just started? If everything was announced on the first day, why have two more days for the show?Terami
Gamers are a notoriously whiny bunch.
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