I've bought two new OEM PS3 controllers a few weeks ago, but when I went to play games with one, I noticed that the analog sticks were extremely unresponsive compared to the controller that I've been using (that came with the system). I will have to push about 1/2 inch or more in order to get a direction to register in-game, which makes it basically impossible to fine tune any small movements. I don't know if my original controller was like this and I just don't remember, or what, but my first one has no dead zone to speak of and is super responsive, as it should be. I bought both of the new controllers from different sites (one from Amazon and one from eBay; I bought them online because I found them cheaper than the $55 they charge you at a retail store), so I don't know what is up. If anybody knows anything, that would be awesome because this is driving me nuts.
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